Managed to get this after a few attempts. It would be cool if you added a timer. I'll definitely be messing around with the level editor when it's ready.
Exit 84 is a simple, yet really challenging typing game, and I like that the entire game, even the menu, is controlled by typing. The controls are super responsive, so it lends itself well to the idea of "If I fail, it's my fault." The simple visuals are nice as well, since not everything has to be flashy looking.
I'm getting stuck at the first screen. I press Enter and then it won't let me press Enter again to continue. I've tried clicking everywhere, pressing every key, and fiddling with Caps Lock. I'm using Windows 10.
I'd say at least half of those deaths were on C8, it took me an incredibly long time for me to figure out how to work with my keyboard to get the rhythm of that level down.
Downloaded this for free originally, but really enjoyed my time with it and dropped $3 as a thanks for giving me a unique and challenging experience. Would love to see this idea expanded even further! :)
if it can help, when this particular level starts, the focus isn't set on the typing field. I have to press enter once before being able to type something.
(I admit my setup is a bit specific so that may be the thing that triggers it, but we can't debug, do we ? :P)
Good game in general, didnt finish it, but Im gonna try to, its challenging and the graphics tho simple are also pretty attractive, keep up the good work
Well, here it is! I wanna say thank you to you developer sir for suggesting me to play your game and I want to apologise for not making the vid of my gameplay earlier. I want to apologise as well for I wasn't able to finish the game. Overall, your game is fantastically awesome yet so hard that my patience dried out hahaha! I am sure your game will be a top hit in no time! More Power and Stay Awesome!
Holy crap that was fun... before I gave up after that hjaqseeezzzreexit stage to take a break. I couldn't find a way to quit the game properly though. The mouse cursor doesn't allow you to select the X button on macOS easily since you can't see what you're clicking. Might want to check that out - unless there was a pause menu that allows you to return to the main menu which I couldn't find.
I just did another run with 113 deaths, for some reason at the end screen for each save file, the number of deaths are added together, so it made it a bit harder to tel
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Thanks so much for the review :D
Thanks for the review :D
Managed to get this after a few attempts. It would be cool if you added a timer. I'll definitely be messing around with the level editor when it's ready.
wooow :D only 5 deaths I think this is the best score ever. :')
Thanks for playing :D Just 44 deaths it's an insane mark :P
11 mins 23 secs. that was fun :)
OMG .... Thanks so much for playing :D I think it was the best time record!
HARD!!!! but addictive! Loved it!
もこちゃい :D
New video :D
Exit 84 is a simple, yet really challenging typing game, and I like that the entire game, even the menu, is controlled by typing. The controls are super responsive, so it lends itself well to the idea of "If I fail, it's my fault." The simple visuals are nice as well, since not everything has to be flashy looking.
Good job on this, devs.Thanks so much for playing :D I don't remember this :D (maybe a secret boss)
Thank you for making a neat game. And, yeah, that thing is a mystery. I think it follows me around.
This was awesome. Innovative concept, great art, and great music.
pretty fun
Thank you Skooch!
Phew! 439 deaths, not bad.
Finally got past YAB in my stream tonight. Take $4.39 well spent.
Wow ! ! Congrats :D :D :D ! !
Also, What's up with SUMMON HAT? I tried typing it myself, but nothing happened. Is that what the plant was typing to make us arrive?
Ah, I now see it's the game studio. Awesome game.
thanks :'D Skooch, you are so close :)
This was infuriating yet fun to play
It's so fun check the reactions :D thanks for the video :)
I'm getting stuck at the first screen. I press Enter and then it won't let me press Enter again to continue. I've tried clicking everywhere, pressing every key, and fiddling with Caps Lock. I'm using Windows 10.
It is so strange, I use Windows 10 also, did you try with spacebar? :(
Same issue. Mouse cursor is working, animation too but nothing else. Only Alt+F4 to exit game. And yes, I tried every key on keyboard.
When I press spacebar od Enter, yellow guy runs in, fall down, stand and then keeps running on same spot.
Windows 10 x64 CZ, I7 6700K, GTX 1070, 1440p resolution.
I will try it on another PCs later.
Please, send me an email (its on my profile) to send you a dev version to discover the bug :( (i don have idea about that behavior)
On second PC (same Windows version but old Core 2 Quad 6600, GTX970) game works fine. I sent you an email.
I'm also having this issue
Holy crap, I did it haha
I'd say at least half of those deaths were on C8, it took me an incredibly long time for me to figure out how to work with my keyboard to get the rhythm of that level down.
Downloaded this for free originally, but really enjoyed my time with it and dropped $3 as a thanks for giving me a unique and challenging experience. Would love to see this idea expanded even further! :)
Wow 421 deaths XD .... congrats and thanks a lot for playing :)
The game Design is Fabulous!! BTW, what engine did ya guys used??
Hi :D Thanks ! I used Unity.
Well like game !! There are or will there be how many levels in total ?
Hi :D now there are 22 levels.
Boy howdy was I just pure garbage at this game. it's really good though, I just can't type to save my life!
:D Thank you for playing MrBobbly :D
Awesome game especially when made in such a short timespan! Would have donated if i had money :P
Thanks a lot for playing! :D
Just beat it with 249 deaths! This game was hell. But I guess it was fun. Okay maybe I was suffering while playing but I enjoyed it once I won.
(Side note: This was certainly the first game to make me scream "YAB" in anger.)
XD congrats :D
oy oy, I'm stuck in level B1, no words are appearing so I have nothing to type to move my character, is this a bug ?
Hi, I don't know about that error. But you can send me an email with some screenshots to help you.
Sure, you can find the infos there:
:( I'm trying to fix that (maybe is a semicolon XD) but if you want to restart all and playing you can try "/reset" :(
if it can help, when this particular level starts, the focus isn't set on the typing field. I have to press enter once before being able to type something.
(I admit my setup is a bit specific so that may be the thing that triggers it, but we can't debug, do we ? :P)
Any android releases?
Not, I think it can be extreamly difficult on mobile.
Good game in general, didnt finish it, but Im gonna try to, its challenging and the graphics tho simple are also pretty attractive, keep up the good work
Looking for the Latin version (as specified in "More information" -> "Languages"). Unfortunately only found an English and Spanish version :-P
:D ... XD ... fixed ... XD
Well, here it is! I wanna say thank you to you developer sir for suggesting me to play your game and I want to apologise for not making the vid of my gameplay earlier. I want to apologise as well for I wasn't able to finish the game. Overall, your game is fantastically awesome yet so hard that my patience dried out hahaha! I am sure your game will be a top hit in no time! More Power and Stay Awesome!
Wooow !! @pcgamer
:D Thanks
=) Thanks @peachscastle
Holy crap that was fun... before I gave up after that hjaqseeezzzreexit stage to take a break.
I couldn't find a way to quit the game properly though. The mouse cursor doesn't allow you to select the X button on macOS easily since you can't see what you're clicking. Might want to check that out - unless there was a pause menu that allows you to return to the main menu which I couldn't find.
Hi =) You can type "/quit" =)
This game almost made me smash the keyboard.
Wrote a review about your indie game. Keep it up =].
:D Thanks so much !
Here's as far as I got, but seriously "YAB" XD?! (it was hard enough to take the screenshot lol) Nice game, I'll try to finish it later though >:)

Congrats :) !!! You're the first human I know (besides me :P) that has beaten the game 0_0 (note. I've Just realized I have a typo on thanks x_x)
I just did another run with 113 deaths, for some reason at the end screen for each save file, the number of deaths are added together, so it made it a bit harder to tel
I see, that happens because I programmed a global death counter. But I'll change that for the next update :d
I've done it. Sub-100 deaths, a 96 deaths run I think I'll stop now
:D :D :D @FatalSnail
Loved the game! You must expand the levels and make a Steam Version as soon as possible!
I got to level R1 before I decided to throw my computer out a window.